Photo Gallery
On Their Way (not yet champions but close!)
Coursing Dogs
Obedience Dogs
Current Stars
- Nickolai Yenoty Schlaeger CD
<> Has 2 points and won at 1 day before his 1st
birthday. He is by Ch Aviann Darkwing Dagger out of
Nickolai Atmen Olympic Spirit JC, ASFA FC
- Nickolai Yenoty Corsesca <>
Much like her brother above, she won Best of Sweeps also
at 1 day before her first birthday!
- Nickolai Born Free Clairidge
<> Pointed from puppy class, with a Can Ch brother
and several pointed siblings. He is by Cordova
Mishkova Red Falcon Ex Ch Nickolai Daria Aphrodite.
Co bred by B Nichols, B Horwitz and M Vile.
- Nickolai Blu Velvet Clairidge
<> Charlotte, sister to Norman.
Nickolai Champions
- Ch Nickolai Lazar Diomedes <>
Sired by Stillwater Jubilee (brother to Ch Stillwater
Virginia Reel). Out of an AmCan Ch Vala Rama's Phoenix of
Sunbarr double granddaughter.
- Ch Nickolai Perchik Tourmaline <>
She is by Sirhan Phantom Lake Padraig Out of Ch Nickolai
Zaysan Columba
- Ch Nickolai Daria Aphrodite <>
She is by Nickolai Gavrik High Stakes CDX out of Ch
Nickolai Han Persiana CD, SC, ASFA FC. She is the
mother of pointed and titled offspring by Cordova
Mishkova Red Falcon
- Ch Nickolai Mavia Meadowsweet <>
Marcy, one of my most special Borzoi, and a
grinner. She is by Stillwater The Tennessean Ex
Nickolai Shayna Butternut.
- Ch Nickolai Han Persiana CD, SC,
ASFA Field Champion <> Tasha was my first
triple titled Borzoi, competing successfully in
conformation, field and obedience. She was the
mother of Ch Azlyn and grandmother of the lovely
Nickolai/Clairidge puppies by Cordova Mishkova Red
- Ch Nickolai Ezere Kittiwake
<> Wendy is by Sirhan-Sunbarr Breketov Ex Nickolai
Iskra Star Tiffany.
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Design © 2000 Adam Kelly and Syclone Web Design
Site owned by Nickolai Borzoi,
and Barbara Horwitz
No content, text or imagery, may be used without permission from
one of the parties listed above.